Biofet transforms 80,000 tons/year of organic waste in Liberia with its exported on-site system!
There is no doubt that organic waste is the leading waste fraction in developing countries. If this type of waste is not collected and recycled regularly, it carries the danger of spreading odors and diseases as well as disrupting the fauna. Considering the negative impacts of climate change, developing sustainable waste management systems is more important than ever. Established in Liberia, a West African country that fascinates people with its tropical forests and natural beauties, Biofet on-site technology aims to solve all these problems and produce maximum benefit from local resources to local people.
When the system is completed, it will bring 80,000 tons/year of organic waste, mostly laying hen manure and broiler manure, into the economy. The high value-added fertilizers to be produced with the transformation at source will both contribute to the development of regional agriculture and prevent thousands of tons of carbon emissions.
Pathogen elimination and sanitation
The elimination of pathogens in organic fertilizers of animal origin is a critical element in terms of plant health and therefore human health. Maxi Drying Technology, which is included in the transformation at on-site technology, both ensures the drying of fertilizers and fulfills sanitation obligations without the need for additional equipment due to its working principle.
Chicken manure is very special
Chicken manure obtained from chicken droppings is an elementally rich fertilizer. Especially its high nitrogen content makes it a valuable organic fertilizer. It can be applied directly and its fast effect is one of the reasons why farmers prefer it. It works especially well on agricultural soils with low organic matter.
Circular economy
Transforming organic waste at source with high efficiency and using the final products in agriculture prevents waste and enriches local communities. Biofet aims to improve the living conditions of local communities by increasing circular economy models in Africa with the innovative technologies it has developed.